Essentials of Cultural Anthropology A Toolkit for a Global Age 3rd Edition eBook PDF by Kenneth J. Guest - ISBN-13: 9780393420142
About This eBook :
From the book’s signature “toolkit” approach to the new chapter on the Environment and Sustainability, all aspects of Ken Guest’s Essentials of Cultural Anthropology work together to inspire students to use the tools of anthropology to see the world in a new way and to come to class prepared to have richer, more meaningful discussions about the big issues of our time. Are there more than two genders? How do white people experience race? What defines a family? Is there such a thing as a “natural” disaster? What causes some people to be wealthy while others live in poverty? This purchase offers access to the digital ebook only.
Table of Contents :
Part 1: Anthropology for the 21Century
Chapter 1: Anthropology in a Global Age
Chapter 2: Culture
Chapter 3: Fieldwork and Ethnography
Chapter 4: Language
Part 2: Unmasking the Structures of Power
Chapter 5: Race and Racism
Chapter 6: Ethnicity and Nationalism
Chapter 7: Gender
Chapter 8: Sexuality
Chapter 9: Kinship, Family, and Marriage
Part 3: Change in the Modern World
Chapter 10: The Global Economy
Chapter 11: Environment and Sustainability
Chapter 12: Politics and Power
Chapter 13: Religion
Chapter 14: Health, Illness, and the Body
Chapter 15: Art and Media
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